28 November, 2011

So, I have this blog...

Not that I've done much with it. Not that I've done much with any of the blogs I have, but they're there. Every now and then I dust them off and do something with them. No one really follows them. Oh who am I kidding, no one at all follows them. And you know what? I'm okay with that.

I put things on them when I feel like it and send them out into the abyss. Reading them. Super. Don't read them. Fine. Either way, it's a great stress reliever.

Today I feel a bit bitchy. Not really sure why and the wine seems to be helping with that for the most part, but it's still there. Teetering on the edge. I never know what can make it explode. It's kind of cool and scary at the same time.

Being online is my escape. It's my time to do what I want to and get lost in the worlds that are out there. Lately my worlds are bubbling over with turmoil and I'm okay with that. You see, I don't really care if people like me online or not. They don't know me. They only know a perceived version of me that is already deluded by their beliefs. Oh well, too bad for them because I'm a pretty nice person once you get to know me.

The funny thing is is that this seems to bother them. This me, or in this case us, not caring. They can't stop obsessing over it. It's quiet funny to be honest. It gives me a good laugh.

Okay, enough of the vague ramblings. I'm done. For now.