31 May, 2012

Post update...

An update to a post I made back in February if anyone is actually reading this thing...


Changing of the Guard?

Why am I not surprised to see a positive review from The Hollywood Reporter for Snow White and the Huntsman? Why it's not so much a review, it is one hell of a story re-cap, which we already knew at this point, it never says much about how the actors actually did in the roles they have. 

This was pretty much it,

 [quote]Despite the narrow ranges their roles require, both command one's attention throughout. Required in their own ways to be gaze-worthy, Hemsworth and Claflin bear up in far more constricted parts.[/quote]

Not exactly glowing. Most of the "review" is spent fawning over the production, the art direction and the costume design in the film. All of these subjects are receiving high marks no matter who is reviewing this film. Is that really enough for it to stand on it's own two feet past opening weekend? I think not.

Now this bit had me baffled:

 [quote]with Stewart nearly always maintaining her ethereal air clenched by angst and determination and Theron expressing a will and mercilessness to rival any despot. Despite the narrow ranges their roles require, both command one's attention throughout.[/quote]

I'm sorry, but did I read the word "ethereal" used to describe Kristen Stewart? THIS Kristen Stewart


Yeah, the word "ethereal" doesn't exactly come to mind. I know, I know, the poor girl was being hounded by the paps from the safety of her balcony and car, so she was given no other choice but to show her intellegence. I could go on and on, but I'll save it for another blog post. You can read the total fluff piece right here 

 What I have noticed is that MTV does not seem to be as "in love" with the Twilight saga as it once was. When did the falling out occur? What I did notice is that THR seemed to pick up where MTV left off. Things started to get rocky around the time that MTV put out a fan voted poll to see what the most anticipated movie of 2012 was going to be and Breaking Dawn, part two got booted out in the first round. The winner of that poll, in case you didn't know, went to Cosmopolis, starting Stewart's Twilight co-star, Robert Pattinson. 

Then came the announcement from MTV that this years Movie Awards show would be changing things up with the way they did things. Gone are the days of the "Twilight Awards" as MTV is trying to bring about a classier program. Now, this is MTV we're talking about, so I'm not sure how it's going to be classier, but I'll give them an A for effort. These changes brought on a world of hate from the Twihards on Twitter, many of them using hash tags like #FuckYouMTV or #IHateMTV. Nice, eh? 

And pretty much all of them swearing off even watching the program this year. THR had always done the typical coverage on Stewart when promoting Twilight, but it was around December 2011 when they seemed to jump on the gossip chain and put out articles on love nests or homes rented by her and Pattinson. All of which were never backed with facts. Most of which were debunked in a matter of moments using Google.

Lately though, it seems the pimping of Stewart is at an all time high. Could it be that the long rumored checks that MTV was picking up are now being re-routed to THR? Twilight is over, the teen crowd is growing up and moving on, now it's time to take careers more seriously. What better time to move from the teen filled MTV to the more "serious" Hollywood Reporter. 

Recently there were a few twitters about bloggers being on the payroll (again, another post) and studios lying, nothing would shock me any less in this business than a publicist trying to cover up a clients bad behavior with a positive spin in what is sometimes, maybe considered a reputable publication.

02 May, 2012

Its that time of year again. The MTV MA are among us and you know what that means. Calloused fingers from fan girls everywhere. Yup, the voting has begun! Officially today you can vote for the MTV Movie Awards in categories like Best Picture, Best Kiss, Best on screen cast, best dirt bag, best on screen transformation. Yeah, I'm still questioning that one myself.

 This year the rules have changed. MTV wants to be taken more seriously in the awards arena. They plan on doing this by changing up the line of nominated categories. For instant gone are the Best Villain, Best Scared-as-Shit Performance, Best Jaw Dropping Moment, Biggest Badass Star, and Best Line from a Movie categories. They have also included a panel of industry insiders made up of actors, producers, agents, etc. to determine who wins nominations in this years categories. There will also be a new Break Through Performance category that will be voted on my directors.

The changes came about to make the MTV Movie Awards seem more serious as well as to "lend some credibility to an event that has been criticized as merely a venue for Hollywood to promote its summer blockbusters." Now back to the fan girls. Yesterday the nominees were announced and it seems that with a change in the rules comes a change in the fandoms. In years past the MA's were dominated by all things Twilight with Harry Potter running a close second. Winning though was still a Twilight arena. 

Not this year. The winds of change are coming through the MTV offices and TwiHards are not happy about it. There's a new kid on the block and his name is The Hunger Games. You could hear the hate being spewed on Twitter around the globe. The Hunger Games is nominated for a whopping eight categories while Twilight's Breaking Dawn Part One is only nominated for two, Best Kiss and Best Movie of the Year. And boy howdie are fans upset. #MTVWEHATEYOU was trending last night on Twitter in a matter of minutes after the nominations were reviled. Tweets like:
THG might have made a lot of $ but no one cares about its cast. Def a mistake to completely disregard your most passionate fanbase -- @mtv
The best Robsten bubbles are at the @MTV movie awards and we wait ALL year for it and they've taken that from us. #MTVWEHATEYOU
#MTVWEHATEYOU seriously crying.
Don't think that WHATS DONE IS DONE! We can make a change if we stay united! #MTVWEHATEYOU
And that is just a sampling of what was being said. Over at Imdb there were threats of a boycott and all levels of butt hurt because Robert Pattinson and Kristen Steward were not nominated for Best Performances. I'm guessing those actors, producers, agents and other panel members just don't know what they are talking about when the don't nominate Pattinson and Stewart for best performances. Damn them for being all professional and serious.

 This morning as voting is not open those registered members at MTV.com, seems to be a little more tame. Fans are voting their "fingers to the bone" as one girl tweeted. Yes, you keep voting until your fingers bleed. You show MTV just whos boss by making sure that Pattinson and Stewart can win Best Kiss. Again. And not actually kiss on stage. Again. You show 'em. Because THIS is how it's done.  Go you.

Just a reminder of what winning the Golden Popcorn for The Best Kiss is supposed to look like. Fans are NEVER going to see Pattinson and Stewart do anything close to this
