14 April, 2012

When fuckery goes bad

Well, last nights anticipated fuckery turned into a laugh factory of good times.

Like all fuckery, it starts with a tweet and usually it only takes one. Like this one:

This lone tweet caused a flurry of activity on Twitter. The event in question was the launch party for Sir Paul McCartney's new video "My Valentine" which was held at his daughter, designer Stella McCartney's, West Hollywood Boutique.

I like how CourtJustice never said who she was talking about. She just left it out there for the assumption of who it was. In this fandom, that is a very dangerous thing.

Lucky for her that Ginny Goodwin and Josh Dallas, who just happen to play Snow White and Prince Charming in ABC's "Once Upon A Time" showed up to the event.

I mean, who else could Court have been talking talking about? Right?

Wrong. Seems a certain part of the fandom went a bit ape shit assuming that the couple in question would be Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. In true fandom sprint, Court was re-tweeted, the tweet was discussed, Court was directly tweeted questions concerning the couple showing up. The online Gossip Tabloid site Hollywood Liar, I mean Life, even re-tweeted and ran a story on Courts tweet. Of course they added their own embellishments as they usually do.

Of course, when it was only Stewart who showed up to the event, HWL as well as Court were backtracking.

and of course, we can't not cover it up and make it all better.

This still did not stop the fandom from tweeting her nasty grams all over the net. Calling her a liar, telling her not to tease with the fandom, etc. Court wasn't going to take it lying down either. She tweeted how some should be smashed in the face with a chair. nice, eh?

The bottom line to all of this is that if certain people just improved their reading comprehension skills or did not assume things to mean something they are not, none of this would happen. Yet it does. All the time. When you have such desperation for two people to be dating who appear not to be, this is what happens. Something is made out of nothing on a daily basis in this fandom and it's tiring.

The truth will come out soon enough and when it does, I just hope some are prepared to handle it. And by "some", I mean them.

Oh...and just to throw this out there.

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