07 August, 2012

this had me LOL'ing

I had never heard of "You Deserve A Drink" on youtube before, however since finding her and watching several videos, I'm officially addicted.  I love this kind of humor and if you get a new drink recipe out of it in the end then SCORE!

One of her latest videos dedicated to Robert Pattinson.

And another thing...

Holy crap, my brain hurts from reading some of those Twihard comments and I know I definitely lost IQ points.

Anyone who knows me knows I like the books and movies.  Was never thrilled with Kristen's casting, but it was what it was.  And I never thought that these two were together over the last three years.  In one "indiscretion" on the side of the road, we saw more PDA between her and Rupert than we ever did with her and Robert on ten occasions.  Sure there were the "looks of love" and the "he touched her"  but everyone, damn near, was under cloak of darkness, taken with a grainy lens, or at a work event.  There were always rumors of them being backed up and never any proof.  And she damn sure didn't look as happy to be with Rob as she did with Rupert.

In recent public events, it seemed as if they were more brother and sister than the supposed b/f/g/f they were supposed to be.  And there always seemed to be a tie as to why the other one was there other than to support each other.

After seeing the pictures of Kristen and Rupert, there is a familiarity between the two that does not come from a one time get together.  Why the hell they didn't go to a hotel is beyond me.

Oddly enough one of the biggest supporters of the Rsten bus was Ted Casablancas from E! The Awful Truth.  He coined the term "Robsten" from the start.  He turned in his walking papers to E! the first week of July.  Right in the midst of the TommyGurl divorce and all before BD2 promo and premiere.  Now the reasons are unclear and there were rumors that he inadvertently outed Jeremy Renner, but that remains to be seen.  Bottom line is, unless he was fired by E! I can't see him leaving on his own.  Not now.  This really left his devotees in a tale spin.

This is not going to go away any time soon.  UsWeekly most likely has more pictures.  After all, they called in three more photographers to assist the one that had on site.  That is going to equal to a lot of pics and most likely video.  No pap worth their weight in cameras wouldn't be capturing something like this without video too.

And speaking of the paps, people can bitch about them all they want, but it comes down to a case of supply and demand,  Her fans demand pics of her and the paps deliver.  Is it a pain to walk through an airport and have half a dozen people taking your picture? I'm sure it is.  Welcome to celebrity.  Even in these videos, no one is rushing her, they have given her space to walk.  But they are doing a job.  Her fans all cry out for her privacy but then are the first ones to bitch and complain when there aren't pictures of her, especially if she is rumored to be out with Pattinson.  This is what puts the $$$ price tag on her and the paps collect.

Let's not forget all the times she's told the paps she hates them or called them cunts.  Maybe them catching her during her "indiscretion" was payback. Maybe it was just a good tip.  Who knows.  Bottom line is she of all people should have know better to take her business to the open back streets.  Whatever happened to hooking up in hotels?  Maybe next "indiscretion"

You know I have to comment on this...

So.  It's finally happened.  The end we have all been waiting for is here.  But who the hell knew it was going to end like this!?!   Certainly not me.  Certainly not my Nonnie friends.  Let me just say that the situation as a whole sucks.  A family is torn by the selfish acts of two people.  The victims here are a wife and her two children.  Not either of the two cheating parties or the non-boyfriend.

What is annoying is the amount of people who have jumped ship and those who, just two weeks ago, worshipped the ground Stewart walked on are now hating her, burning their memorabilia, denouncing her across the web, and more.  Some sites have shut down, gone on hiatus are are simply ignoring it. Other sites who's name depicted a dedication to Pattinson and who used to gush about Stewart and him together are now editing her out of promotional pictures for BD2.  They can't even stand to look at her. And the followers who bought into the entire thing just 2 weeks ago are thanking the site mods for it.  Can we say "Whiplash"?

Let me elaborate on that.  While I am sitting back and laughing at the fall out from all of this because, let's face it, most everyone is now seeing what we have been saying for years, there are those that still believe, still support and still adore her.  They are preaching for all the newly turned "haters" (I really loath that word) are driving a divide in the fandom.

Pardon me?  THIS is what is being blamed for driving a wedge in this fandom.  I'm going to have to lay down a big ol' hand of BULLSHIT!!!

This fandom has been divided since 2009 when Scummit Ent. decided to that the franchise would sell better if people believed if the two main characters were in a real relationship.  Contracts were drawn up, rules laid out, outings arranged.  We have been preaching this and getting a boat load of hate from it for three years.  THREE YEARS!! I have watched as friends have had their home addresses put on line on message boards.  Pictures of their children put online for ridicule.  Bosses notified by private emails to try and get people fired.  Along with countless hounding, name calling, stalking, account hacking, insulting, and screen capping.  And personal to me, having my screen name re-tweeted to others with harassing and insulting things being said.

Now, sticks and stones and all that crap. If someone wants to call me a bad mom, go right ahead.  I know the truth.  Want to call me fat?  Go ahead.  Yes, I'm over weight, but I can loose it.  Want to call me ugly?  Go right ahead.  I really don't care what someone on the internet thinks of me and my looks.  But this other stuff?  That is crossing line.  You don't post pictures of someones children on line.  You don't post someones address online and you don't anonymously email someones boss to try and get them fired.

Especially not because they don't share the same likes as you or don't think a certain celebrity couple is dating.  The levels of ridiculousness that I've seen has been astounding.  I mean, real junior high garbage.

So this garbage of the fandom divide coming from the childish and selfish actions of two adults is just simply ridiculous. If you had asked me back in 2008 or 2009 if I'd ever be glad Twilight was ending, I'd have told you, "Absolutely not"  I liked the books, thought the movies were decent, at least the best that they could be with the material they were being made from, listen, I like the books, but they aren't the best things ever written.  However, now I cannot wait for this to be over.  November cannot get here soon enough.  I've never been more ready for a movie franchise to be over and done with.

One thing I am looking forward to though...Breaking Dawn II Promo.  In light of recent events, it's going to be very interesting.  Let the games begin.  Is it October yet?

and there you have it folks.

Someone got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Only it was someone elses cookie jar.

This is Kristen Stewart and her "Snow White and the Huntsman" director Rupert Sanders at an undisclosed location in LA.  There are a lot more photos than this, but due to copy right, the site that published them was asked to take them down.  These are what US Weekly has posted on their site.

 Kristen and the Snow White cast, including director Rupert Sanders out to dinner in Germany on 15 May 2012.  After the affair news, this pic is looked at in a new light.  That is Charlize Theron sitting in between them.  There is also video out there of Rupert adjusting himself at the table.  Yes, you read that right, he's adjusting himself at the table.  I'm not posting the video because it was more of him than I care to see.  Google it if need be.
And if that picture is looked at differently, the these need to be as well.

She seems pretty close with her directors. This is  more PDA from her and her directors, especially Sanders, than ever seen off the clock with Pattinson.  Just saying.