01 September, 2012

Fun with debunking

So, I found this on Tumblr and I just can’t help myself to make some comments in the margin as it were. I love how “since there have been so many reports on this, I’m going with this is true.”  She really doesn’t understand how this works, does she. 
Let’s begin…

**I’ve read a lot that Kristen has not dropped out of Cali but that the production of the movie has been postponed to give her time.  I actually am kind of thinking this is true.  If they were really going to replace her it would have been done already and filming would have begun.
Except that Alex Pettyfer, the other actor in the film, is currently filming “TheButler”   I’m going to guess that this is the reason production has not started yet.  I highly doubt that they are holding production for Kristen while she goes through a personal crisis.  This kind of thing is rarely done in Hollywood, especially when she is the cause of said crisis. 
According to IMDB, “Cali” has been taken off of Kristen’s call sheet and added to Amber Heards as a rumor.  Make of that what you will. 

**Rob selling the house that he and Kristen shared.  So many reports about this so I’m going with this is true.  I guess I am not surprised because now everyone knows where they live and there are many memories there for them but I’m thinking it is more about people knowing where they live than memories.
Wow, talk about dramatic. “many memories there for them”  Give me a break.  Show me one picture of Rob at that house.  ONE. Anything.  Him pulling into the driveway, getting dropped off in the street, pulling out of the driveway.  Just ONE picture and I MIGHT believe, on a Thursday, if it’s raining, during a full moon that this was his house.  I’ll wait.

**Ashley Greene is replacing Kristen with Rob on promotion.  Have to be honest this shocked me.  But guess it was bound to happen that he can’t just go promote a movie alone and he and Ashley seem to get along.  All I have to say is as long as it isn’t Nikki I’m good.
Of course this shocked you, you don’t want it to be true nor did you hear it from “many reports” As if he would promote this movie alone, I mean there are only 30 plus other cast members to choose from to promote with.  Ashley, Kellan, Jackson, Peter, Nikki, the list goes on.  I don’t care who he promotes or even if he promotes it at all, as long as it’s not with Kristen.  Then again, the awkwardness and desperation might be good for a laugh or two.  Nah, not even then.

Just read today that Rupert only signed a contract for one SWATH movie but they gave Kristen what is called an option if they wanted her to come back and needed her for the second one.  So, she gets priority over Rupert.  I am hoping this is true because honestly you can’t have these two working together and am sure the studio feels Rupert is more easily replaced than Kristen.
There is SO much to say about this. I highly doubt that even with a contract of this nature, she has priority over Rupert.  Considering that the only consecutively good thing that has been said about Swath is the air direction and visual graphics and all of that came from Rupert.  I’d be surprised if Universal canned him over her considering damn near every review of her in the role came back negative.
When it was announced that she was canned from the sequel, an uproar of how unfair this was started.  That if she was going to be canned, he needed go as well.  While I see the point, people have to look at the other side of things.  Movies are in the business to make money.  While I have not doubt that Kristen’s fans put a lot of the money in at the box office for Snow White (and you can bet that is what Universal was banking on) it was Rupert’s work that got the good reviews.  In the event of a sequel, who do you think they are going to turn to?  The actress whos fanbase turned on her and would most likely not see her in another film or the director who people raved over his vision?   “It’s nothing personal, it’s business”  
**I’ve read numerous tweets this week and am giving out the links.
1.  This link has a first hand account of someone that nicely stalked Rob during Cosmopolis promotion in NYC.

“Nicely Stalked…” talk about your oxymorons.  The message has been deleted.  Shocker
2.  This is a compilation of stuff from Gossip Cop.
http://www.twitlonger.com/show/j0q8io  Posted on 24 August
Oh gee, color me shocked.  Gossip Cop is involved.
This author needs to get her head out of the sand.  If people really thing that this “fling” was brief and there was no sex, then I have a bridge to sell you. COME ON!  There was a definite familiarity with these two, tons of rumors that she hung around set when not need, etc.  And no sex?  Let me get the papers to that bridge.
The rest of the post goes on to believe every little bit posted that give the sheep hope.  They are talking, they will work through this, he never asked her to move out, the appololie was not PR driven, the recent pics of her out and how she is wearing all her “rob things’ and it just goes on to justify and confirm that all is well in the land of OZ. 
This last link I found super compelling and believe this is exactly what happened.
http://www.twitlonger.com/show/j32uft  Posted 29 August
This post comes with an insider source with a confidentiality agreement with the Stewart Family.  This is how you know sources are the real deal folks.  She confirms not only have Rob and Kristen NOT broken up, but that “it’s safe to say, they have been talking” and her source tells her that “they have met up at least once before he left for NY”.   Well, of course they never broke up silly, they never confirmed they were dating to break up.  Gesh. 
She also “doesn’t know if Rob is in London, but he and her are together working on things and living together at another location”  That’s funny, because Rob just happens to be in London. 
What good is a source without an eyewitness account to the epic lurve?  Never fear because we have one.  She apparently met Rob on several occasions, one being right after her Mother died.  He was “so nice, it made my day”   And of course her eye witness account goes like this, “I also noticed is how in love him and Kristen were they kept staring and touching each other like they were the only ones there.”  Now, where have I read that before?  OH yes, fanfiction.

Now, from Twitter:

NOT IN LONDON • 17 hours ago −
K and Rob are not in London you losers, he's not and she most definitely is not.
Well, wrong. Rob is in London. Some rumors coming in as early as the 28th of August. Next.
He didn't sell his house.
Correct.  The house that is in the Trust of Nick Finkle is not on the market.  And Rob was never confirmed to live there. Next. 

And from the Oh Really Departement:

Herzog Flick • 12 hours ago
So the general feeling is that Kristen will be joining Rob on the Herzog set. You're welcome.
Yeah, that account has been suspended.  Not that this sounded in any way official.

**The news today about Kristen’s parents getting a divorce really hit me hard.  This poor girl.  I just couldn’t help but to hope that Rob would go see her or be with her just as a friend if nothing more.  She needs support from her friends and also from Rob.  I feel so awful for her.  Here she was on top of the world and now the whole situation with Rob and her parents just is horrible.  I was kind of wondering if she saw this coming and it affected her in any way.
This news hit you hard?  Why?  Do you know them?   How is this hitting you hard when this couple has been estranged since 2010?  Rob is not in the country to be with her as a friend and if you ask me, that is what he’s been doing the past two years.  Possibly even because of this same situation.  Allowing her to hang around his friends and tag along to places with him because she just had to get away from what was going on with her parents. 
I think she’s embarrassed him enough to let her do this again.  She’s on her own.
If you ask me, after being estranged from her husband, Jules is just as selfish as Kristen is to 1. Announcing her divorce.  Who cares!?  They aren’t a famous couple that this would actually be entertainment news worthy.  And even if they were, divorce is a private and personal matter.  They are known because of her daughter. Did you know who the hell Jules Stewart was before you knew who Kristen was?  No.  And neither did anyone else.   2.  She announces her divorce NOW?? After two years not living with her husband?  SELFISH!
**Last but not least I read something amazing.  Rob and Kristen wrote the speech that Edward says in Breaking Dawn Part 1.  I found that to be so wonderful that I have posted a link below for the video.  Click on the little box for the link.
What she is referring to is the Edward wedding speech from “Breaking Dawn 1”
You can see it hear on Youtube if you want to watch Rob in his painful Edward glory or just read:

“It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are. I've been waiting, for what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. With Bella I feel like I can finally begin. So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever.”

Once again, let me get my deck of Bullshit cards.  Where is her link to the article in which she read this glorious news?  I Googled the hell out of it and could find nothing on the subject of either of them contributing to the writing of the Breaking Dawn script.  You know what I did find when I googled?  “Kristen cheats on Rob” stories. 

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