28 November, 2011

So, I have this blog...

Not that I've done much with it. Not that I've done much with any of the blogs I have, but they're there. Every now and then I dust them off and do something with them. No one really follows them. Oh who am I kidding, no one at all follows them. And you know what? I'm okay with that.

I put things on them when I feel like it and send them out into the abyss. Reading them. Super. Don't read them. Fine. Either way, it's a great stress reliever.

Today I feel a bit bitchy. Not really sure why and the wine seems to be helping with that for the most part, but it's still there. Teetering on the edge. I never know what can make it explode. It's kind of cool and scary at the same time.

Being online is my escape. It's my time to do what I want to and get lost in the worlds that are out there. Lately my worlds are bubbling over with turmoil and I'm okay with that. You see, I don't really care if people like me online or not. They don't know me. They only know a perceived version of me that is already deluded by their beliefs. Oh well, too bad for them because I'm a pretty nice person once you get to know me.

The funny thing is is that this seems to bother them. This me, or in this case us, not caring. They can't stop obsessing over it. It's quiet funny to be honest. It gives me a good laugh.

Okay, enough of the vague ramblings. I'm done. For now.

22 October, 2011

When less is more...

Is anyone really surprised that once again Summit Entertainment is shoving yet another Twilight movie down our throats? This is typical for the production company that was lucky enough to land the highly successful franchise. During promotion for the "Twilight" there were no less than eight T.V. spots, fans were with cast and crew every step of the way throughout filming, Hot Topic Mall Tours for the cast, and various "sneak peak" of the film at one festival or another. Still, the buzz was at an all time high and the movie went on to break box office records.

The same formula was used to promote "New Moon". While set coverage was scaled back and the Hot Topic Mall Tours canceled, there were still numerous T.V spots, stills and clips released. When I sat in the theatre to view the movie, I felt like I had seen most of it already. This prompted a personal media black out for "Eclipse". I'm glad that I did as I enjoyed the movie much more having not seen even the first clip, let alone a T.V. spot, for the movie.

"Breaking Dawn, Parts One and Two" is the ending of the Twilight franchise for Summit. They HAVE to make this work in order to hit what I think is an unrealistic box office goal they have set for themselves. That goal? One billion dollars (with or without the Austen Powers voice) per film. I just don't see it happening. While all the films thus far have had stellar box office numbers, none of them have broken the billion dollar ceiling. The highest grossing film to date is "New Moon" with $709,827,462 in 19 weeks of being in theatres.

Looking at Summits track record with the other films they produce, it's not good. Twilight is their cash cow, we get it. This is why we have two very unnecessary parts to Breaking Dawn. This being said, do they have to shove it down our throats? Shouldn't the films speak for themselves? Granted, we're not talking Oscar caliber films here, but they are enjoyable. Well, at least they have been. From what has been leaked so far from Breaking Dawn, I'm not holding out much hope for this one. Although I am looking forward to some hilarity between Jacob & Rosealie.

I say less is more and that alone should put people in the seats, but what do I know. Well, that and Robert Pattinson, but that is another story for another time.

02 October, 2011

You're kidding, right?

I like fairy tales.

I like the escapism of them. The good vs evil themes. The over all fantasy of it all. There seems to be a lot of blame and anger towards fairy tales for the unattainable expectations of girls in today's society. I find this laughable.

Why do fairy tales get the bad rap? Why not current events? Video Games? Music? Why not all fiction? I recently read "Something Borrowed" by Emily Giffin. It was a cute book as well as a cute movie. I did not go into either expecting much, but was pleasantly surprised with the end results of both. The book, as well as the movie, were entertaining and made me laugh. They were a nice escape, which is exactly what they should have been. Did I come out it thinking that falling in love with your best friends fiance was acceptable? No, but I do understand that things happen for a reason.

I came across this post on tumblr and it's bothered me.

But Disney taught us.

SNOW WHITE lived with seven men on the same house

CINDERELLA snuck out of the house to go to a party

ARIEL and MULAN ran away from home and defied their fathers

not to mention MULAN pretended to be a guy

SLEEPING BEAUTY talked to a stranger prince guy and afterwards did nothing but sleep

BELLE fell in love with an animal-like creature and lived with him

POCAHONTAS always loiters around the forests and goes everywhere without permission

So you see parents…



If all this person has learned is this, then I feel sorry for them. Is this person trying to say she never defied her parents or snuck out of the house? Did she never fall for the wrong person or talk to a stranger? I think the examples used are extremely weak and the greater point is being missed.

Yes, Mulan did pretend to be a male. To fight for her country for what was right. Shouldn't she be praised for her bravery and independence? I think so.

Belle showed us that by loving someone for who they are on the inside and not judging a book by it's cover, that great thing can happen. It was also magic and I'm pretty sure, in my limited experience, that handsome princes do not get turned into beasts by petty witches.

And shame on Sleeping Beauty for talking to a stranger. To the best of my knowledge, no one in modern times ever fell into a deep sleep from doing so. Bars and clubs across the globe would be out of business. Now, in Beauties case, this "stranger" just happened to be a prince who over came the evil Maleficent and rescued our fair maiden from a life time of dreaming.

If Disney is to blame, then lets blame 20th Century Fox as well for given us the "Star Wars" trilogy. I mean that didn't happen either and no one walked away with any false expectations. And while we're at it, I'd like to have a word with the C.S. Lewis estate. I've been looking in wardrobes for the passage to Narnia for ages and have yet to come across it. Don't even get me started on the world J.K. Rowling has created.

Too many people look too deeply into things that are simply to be enjoyed. Further more, too many people look for someone else to blame instead of taking responsibility for themselves. Perhaps if they'd stop blaming Disney and fairy tales and got in touch with themselves, they'd be happier, but I doubt it.


Is this thing on? No? Okay, I'm going to start anyway.

Ever just have things in your head that you just feel the need to get out? Well, that is where I am now. My mind seems to have a hard time shutting down lately. I call it internet ADD. I just get too preoccupied with everything online to concentrate on one thing. I blame tumblr, pinterest, message boards, and more. They are just too damned addicting.

I'd love to say I have an idea of what I'm going to put here, but I don't. I know this sounds like a complete contradicton to my first sentence, but I guess what I mean, is I have no idea of the topics I'm going to blog about or how often I'll update this thing. If my other blog is any indication of how well I'll keep up with this thing, prepare to need to have this dusted off on a regular basis.

I'm most likely going to vent about certain fandoms and the lunacy of it all. Point out the stupidity of every day things. See, I dont let much bother me, but after a while even I need to rant. Consider this my therapy.

Comments will not be open because this is not an open for discussion blog. If you don't like what I have to say, there is an "x" button in the top right corner on the tab of this page. Please feel free to click said "x" and close my thoughts to you. You don't have this read this, you don't have to agree. They are my opinions and feelings and I'm not going to allow anyone to tell me I'm wrong. If you feel the need to do that, find me on Twitter, if you can, and tell me there.