02 October, 2011


Is this thing on? No? Okay, I'm going to start anyway.

Ever just have things in your head that you just feel the need to get out? Well, that is where I am now. My mind seems to have a hard time shutting down lately. I call it internet ADD. I just get too preoccupied with everything online to concentrate on one thing. I blame tumblr, pinterest, message boards, and more. They are just too damned addicting.

I'd love to say I have an idea of what I'm going to put here, but I don't. I know this sounds like a complete contradicton to my first sentence, but I guess what I mean, is I have no idea of the topics I'm going to blog about or how often I'll update this thing. If my other blog is any indication of how well I'll keep up with this thing, prepare to need to have this dusted off on a regular basis.

I'm most likely going to vent about certain fandoms and the lunacy of it all. Point out the stupidity of every day things. See, I dont let much bother me, but after a while even I need to rant. Consider this my therapy.

Comments will not be open because this is not an open for discussion blog. If you don't like what I have to say, there is an "x" button in the top right corner on the tab of this page. Please feel free to click said "x" and close my thoughts to you. You don't have this read this, you don't have to agree. They are my opinions and feelings and I'm not going to allow anyone to tell me I'm wrong. If you feel the need to do that, find me on Twitter, if you can, and tell me there.

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