19 February, 2012

That evil part of me

I know it might sound evil to be happy about pissing someone off. Okay, it IS evil to be happy about it, but this couldn't be helped.

It gave me great satisfaction to piss off my husband this morning. You see, we signed our son up for baseball last week knowing full well the many nights we would be spending at the ball fields between practices, clinics, games and more. I mentioned the sacrifices that would have to be made to my hubs as we filled out the online forms and forked over the $100 registration fee. "Oh, it's no problem, I'm well aware of the sacrifice" he said. Well, that seemed to have gone right out the window when I reminded him of the Sunday practice our son had.

Our home schedule is not your typical Monday through Friday, nine to five schedule. Oh no. I work weekends and one day during the week while hubs works nights. Hubs usually takes morning shifts, while I take the afternoon. He gets the kids off to school, while I pick up and do the homework rounds. It's not the most convenient of schedules, but it works for our life.

Unless of course he has something more pressing to do. Recently he has gotten into competition BBQing. He's in with a great bunch of guys and they mean business. This is all well and good. I mean, everyone should have a hobby and I'm glad he found this as cooking comes very natural to him and he's very good at it. Although at times I wish he'd stop thinking of me as his "plongeur" (sorry, just watched Ratatouille) but I digress.

So here we are facing the Sunday ball practice. Hubs was complaining that if he knew about the practice he'd have come straight home from work instead of going out and picking up his BBQ smoker. This is something that could have waited, but didn't. Not to mention the baseball information that is marked on the calendar, in the paperwork in the counter and written on the dry erase board. All reminding him of the Sunday practice.

The question I was waiting for came not ten minutes into the "conversation" about this practice. "Well, can't your dad take him?" Breathe in, breathe out. I looked at my hubs with the patience of Job and said, "If you don't take him, he doesn't go. This is part of the sacrifice I talked about when we signed him up." Then of course came the complaints about lack of sleep.

Funny, there were never any complaints about lack of sleep when he stayed up many a mornings building his BBQ smoker. And believe you me, he put in some long hours making that thing. Don't get me wrong, it looks amazing and he could easily sell it for a good $2500. However, why is it so easy to make the sleep sacrifice for that and not our sons baseball schedule?

And don't get me started on lack of sleep. We have two children, twenty months apart and not once did he ever get up in the middle of the night to feel either one of them when he worked day shift or on weekends or on a day off. Not. Once. So for an estimated four years I woke up for every feeding and diaper change because that is what a parent does. So I don't even want to hear about lack of sleep. I'm pretty sure my current bouts of insomnia are still residual effects from night feedings.

The bottom line is that my son will go to ball practice today and it will be his father who takes him. And yes, the evil part of me is happy about his.

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