18 September, 2013


You're surfing the net and without fail you find something interesting that you don't want to forget or you just know you will go back to at a later date.  What do you do?  You bookmark it.  You hit that little star in the whatever corner of the browser you're using and you save the page.

Sounds like a great idea.  Always having those handy dandy webpages at your finger tips.  Never not having a page that you know you'll want to go back to later.  It's all fun and games until you realize you've collected hundreds of pages that you haven't looked at nearly as often as you thought you would when you saved them?   They add up.  And going through all of those pages is oh so much fun.

Oh sure, you could just throw caution to the wind and delete all of your book marks without looking at them or batting an eye at the loss of what could be.  Lucky you.  I however am not that ledge living.  My OCD self has to go through, at the very least the titles, to see what link is what.  And that's if I can recognize what the page might be without opening the link.  If I can't, now I'm opening up hundreds of links that I have no clue what they could be.

And even then I find myself looking over bookmarked pages just knowing I will, one day, go back to that page of whatever and do what it is that I saved it for in the first place.

From recipes, to gift ideas.  Hollywood tidbits to fashion pages.  Articles on hometown news to world wide events.  Really?  Why am I saving all of these pages?  Am I ever going to make cookies that look like hydrangea flowers?   As beautiful as they are, and I'm sure the icing techniques are awesome, probably not.  Do I really care anymore about that fifth page of fonts that I saved?  Not really.  Here's the really great part.  Most of the pages I have bookmarked, I end up Goggling for later anyway.  So again, I ask myself, why am I saving all of this?

If you need me, I'll be cleaning out my bookmarks folder.  This time I mean it.

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