15 September, 2013

Message boards.

Over the past few years I have belonged to my fair share of message boards dealing with one fandom or another.  Most of them have been pretty easy going.  However, you do get that one board you join where you're the new kid on the block and you slowly feel your way around and wonder, "Is this the right place for me?"

That's kind of where I'm at now.  I've recently discovered a particular fandom that shall remain nameless.  In the interest of finding out more about this fandom, I found a message board dedicated to all things fandom related.  It's an extensive board.  There are a number of topics to choose from to discuss from movies to tv to specific episodes.  There is a lot of room for lots of different discussions.  For someone new, this is very helpful in find out more about said fandom.

Most, if not all, message boards have a certain set of rules that the mods or admins like to see carried out. This is something that every message board or community needs to have. There needs to be order and continuity throughout a board community or it all just goes to hell quickly.   As a member on boards, as well as an admin to a few, I get it.

The levels of rules seem to vary from board to board.  Some boards you have admins who set the rules and trust in their members to behave in a mature, civilized manner.  Only having to step in and remind posters of the rules and why they are there.  A lot of admins generally leave it up to the members to reconcile any differences they may have between one another and remind them a board is a place for discussions on common interests and not a school yard fight.  They aren't there to babysit the members.

And then there are those admins who are rather drill sergeant like in the carrying out of their rules.  They have a set way of how they want their board to look and are obsessive over it looking just that way.  No copyrighted material.  Post only picture links and not the actual picture.  No mentioning of illegal downloads or watching video/movie/shows online.  No mentioning of any personal information in relation to directors, actors, producers, publicists.  Your signature is too large.  Your avvie is not large enough.  You need to post xxx amount of posts within xxx of time or you will be kicked out.  The list goes on.  While I'm all for continuity on a board and can see the validity of some of these examples,  the way some admins monitor their board can boarder on a full time job.  A job that they aren't getting paid to do.  At this point, how much stress over a message board is worth it?

I like message boards.  It's a great place to meet people from all over the world who have a shared interest. I've met some amazing people through message boards and I talk to these people on a daily basis.  Yes, you really can make friends via the Internet and I have.   It's important in finding a message board that suits your needs and interests. If you're getting stressed out over members or rules from admins, maybe it's time to find another message board to post on.  The most important thing to remember is that this is supposed to be fun. When it stops being fun, it's time to move on.

Oh, and one last thing and I know that everyone does this, but it needs repeating.  Post safely.

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