22 October, 2014

Fangirling. Manhattan Love Story Style

I am a Fangirl.  There, I said it.  Fangirling has it's ups and downs, but mostly, it's a lot of innocent fun.  It can get carried away at times.  I've seen it.  I've seen it go very bad.  That's not the kind of fangirl I am.

My latest addition to my Fangirling is the new Fall show "Manhattan Love Story"on Tuesdays at 8:30 pm EST, on ABC.

I love the storyline, the humor, the characters, but most of all, I love the inner dialogue of the two leads Jake McDorman and Analiegh Tipton.

Recently Jake and Analeigh, who are a couple in real life, asked on Twitter for fans of the show to send in their suggestions of places they should visit in Manhattan.  This resulted in a few, okay a lot, of fans sending in their suggetions.  A LOT of suggestions.

Check out that last on the right side, bottom.  Yup. That's my suggestion.  In case you can't read Jake's handwriting, my suggetion is the Alice in Wonderland statue in Central Park.  Not only did they take fans suggestions on where to go, but then started to visit them, calling out the fans who suggest the spot as well.


Adding the screen names of those who suggested the loaction is a nice touch.   A fantastic way to make the fans feel included on their adventure as well as a great use of social media to promote their new show.  Well done! 

This fangirl is just waiting for her #ManhattanLoveStory moment to be tweeted.  


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