16 August, 2015

We could do better...

This isn't a new article on school lunches around the world from the Huffington Post, but it's one that I keep thinking about, especially now that school is about to start back up here in the States.

For the most part, my kids either buy the school lunch or take their own.  Calanders are printed out and hung on the side of the fridge that lets my kids know what will be served on what given day and that is how they decide whether or not they are eating at school or taking from home.

The lunches are reasonably priced and from the menu, not terrible sounding.  However, if they looked anything like the choice below, I can't blame them for wanting to bring lunch from home.

Here are some examples of school lunches around the world.

Just looking at the lunch from the States made me cringe.  Talk about unappitizing.

Okay, so the peas and cookie look good, but those chicken nuggets, is that even chicken, look under cooked and I'm not even going to start on what I think are supposed to be mashed potatos.

And then when you compare it to the following countries lunches, there really is no comparison.

Pork wtih mixed vegitables, black beans and rice, salad, bread and baked plantains. 
This lunch looks delicious.  The variety of vegitalbes, and protiens! 

Local fish on a bed of arugula, pasta with tomato sauce, caprese salad, baguette and grapes. 
I would eat the hell of this lunch and be satisfied until dinner.  Everything on this tray looks delicious. 

Fish soup, tofu over rice, kimchi and fresh vegitable. 
While I've not had most of the items on this tray, everything looks tempting and I'd have to try it. 

Steak, carrots, green beans, cheese and fresh fruit.
Along with Italy, I could definitely make this a lunch, even a dinner option.  Looks fantastic. And again, multiple vegitable options. 

You can see the rest of the lunches at the Huffington Post

Yes, I know it's would be near impossible to get most children to eat fish soup, tofu over rice, most of the vegitables and other items that are unfamiliar to them, and there are the food allergies to take into consideration.  However, how great would it be to have the multiple vegitable selections and fresh fruit options, as well as the protiens.  Real protiens, not processed.   Even the fruit on the American tray is processed.  

The choices on the other trays, particularly the Eurpean countries, are precisely why I'm looking at making a huge life style choice in my diet. 

Bon Appétit 

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