10 October, 2015

Fifty Shades of Midnight Sun

Reading up on some Stephenie Meyer news from NYCC and all I can think is what a whiner!

Meyer talked about Midnight Sun while she was promoting Life and Death - Twilight Re Imaged for the 10 year anniversay of the Twilght book.  She mentioned how after writing Life and Death and how much fun it was, that she went back to Midnight Sun and really enjoyed it.  She enjoyed it so much that she wrote a whopping TWO paragraphs!  Where did she find the time?  And then of course shot it all to hell because of Grey.

The first break in writing the book that all Twilight fans want finished is because the first chapter leaked online.  If I remember correctly, after that first chapter leaked online didn't she then publish the following 11 chapters on her website?  She couldn't have been THAT upset about the leak.

Here's my take on it.  She, or her people, leaked chapter 1 from Midnight Sun as a test to see how it would be recieved.  Fans loved it, others not so much to hear her tell the tale.  So she says "fuck it", or whatever the Mormon equivelent is, and releases the remaining 11 chapters.  The five or so people who didn't like it got under her soft skin so much that she halted the "writing exercise" indefinitly.

Now enter EL James and her success with Fifty Shades of Grey.  Obviously not for everyone, but has a large fanbase all it's own.  The book was insanely successful, the movie made it's money back and then some.  And then James publishes Grey, Fifty Shades from Christians point of view. And now Meyer can't possibly go back to writing Midnight Sun because of Grey.

Hate to break this news, but Meyer is not the first author to write a new book from a different character perspective.   She's just pissed that James beat her to it.  Sorry Meyer, but you had an 8 year jump to write 12 chapters and blew it.

Meyer seems to talk out of both sides of her mouth.  She's all to happy to blame this latest hiatus of finishing Midnight Sun on Grey, but then goes on to tell people "just write what you want regardless of what others think".  Maybe Meyer should take her own advice and finsh Midnight Sun for the fans.

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