10 November, 2012

This is how cool Tom Hanks is...

I was catching up on Tumblr one afternoon and this came across my dash. 


This is an actual response from actor Tom Hanks on his Playtone Company stationary to Chris Hardwick, founder of TheNerdist, blog and podcast. You have to love the snark and tone that Hanks set up in this letter.  Needless to say, seducing him with the antique typewriter worked.  Hanks appeared on The Nerdist Podcast #267  Hanks talks with Harwick, as well as co-hosts of the show Matt Mira and Jonah Ray, about subjects from show business, space, his role and others in "Band of Brothers" as well as the now infamous 1934 Corona Silent typewriter.

You can follow Hardwick on Twitter at https://twitter.com/nerdist/

07 October, 2012

It is what it is.

Ken Baker knows what's up and he's calling it what it is "A PUBLICITY STUNT"  This is E! News Chief  Corresponent and he's going against the tabloid grain, something his network promotes, and is saying what needs to be said.  Rob and Kristen "getting back together" is for publicity.   Nicely played Mr. Baker. Nicely played.  

Stewart getting caught with Rupert Sanders?  No, that was the real deal.  The timing of her affair, however, could not have been more perfect for Summit to play the "break up and get back together for the film"  game though. The fact that Summit is using this to promote their movie proves so many things, one of which is that they don't care about Stewart, or Pattinson for that matter, but Stewart mostly.   When the pics of her and Sanders first showed up, Summit or her team could have stopped them, at least for a little while, but neither one of them did. And now we know why. 

29 September, 2012

Once can see things clearly w a 600 mil lens...

On 18 September, The Today Show did a demonstration to show just how close one can get from great distances using powerful telephoto lenses.  

They interviewed a former paparazzi who used a 600mil lens with a doubler and a good camera. He was situated in Brooklyn Heights and his "target" was located at the Sea Port in Manhattan, across the East River. Over 6 miles away!  

While some of the super close up shots are not very recognizable, you get the idea.  With a good strong lens and a good camera, you can catch just about anyone doing anything. 

Photography in the age of paparazzi

And here is a demonstration of just how close one can get from a great distance

26 September, 2012

Some freedom for Liberty.

Liberty Ross was out for her birthday and had this to say about her cheating husband Rupert Sanders and his affair with Kristen Stewart.

"The Model and actress partied at a gay nightclub, Eleven, with her longtime friend Simon Robinson and his partner. "If it weren't for Simon," she told RumorFix, "I wold not be out. I'm a very private girl."
Asked about the affair that made her a headline name, Liberty didn't play coy. "Nobody knew who I was before he cheated and I liked it better that way.  I'm here at Eleven and you recognize me.  I bet had this scandal not have taken place, you would have walked right passed me," she explained.
"It's not good being hurt and devastated like me...but guess what, you certainly learn from it.  I'm not made at Rupert at all, no reason to hold grudges.  I'm not focused on that.  What I am focused on are my children and moving my life forward.  My children come first and are most important in my life.  They've always been and always will be." 

Well good for Liberty!

It says a lot that she was out on her b'day without Sanders as well as being in London.  While I don't think for one minute that what happened between her husband and Stewart was a "momentary indiscretion", I"m more likely to believe this affair went on for close to a year, however, this might not have been Rupert's first "momentary indiscretion".  Perhaps Liberty has been through this before and this was just the straw that broke the camels back.  In all honesty, I can't see a man married this long, two children and the first time he steps out on his wife is with K?  No.  I, just.  No.

As for her walking NYFW, what are the odds that they just happened to throw her in the show at the last minute?  These events are scheduled far in advance.  Who knows how many other Fashion Weeks she's walked and no one realized it until now.  Like she said, "I bet had this scandal not have taken place, you would have walked right passed me".  Just because she's become a household name from an affair, doesn't mean she wasn't known in some circles before this.

Yes, the sheep will most likely tear her apart for these comments.  Calling her a fame whore, making her out to be the villain in all of this.  This is what they do.  They deflect.  None of this could possibly be the special snow flakes fault.  It's all Liberty's or Rupert's or even Rob's.  Anyone but their Queen.  

If Liberty is going to be a single mom, she's going to need an income.  And while sure, it looks like now she is everywhere, things like jobs being set up weeks/months in advance elude the simple sheep.  They know how many months in advance magazine shoots are set up.  Stewart has been in enough, they should.  But once again the same rules don't apply.  So while Stewart does a mag and it takes months to come out.  Liberty does one and shes a fame whore exploiting a bad situation.  Morons

I'll just sit back and wait until she is seen with Rupert again.  It's going to happen.  

[quote What's especially telling is that the paps are after these two big time right now and he is still able to move around and go places without anyone knowing what he is up to.[/quote]

There is no doubt in any of our minds that it's her team that sets the paps up.  Anytime she is not involved, Rob has been able to get around unseen.  He was just in London for who knows how long and was only seen in Customs at LAX by a fan.  If she hadn't taken that one picture, he'd have made it back into the States undetected.  How many other times has this happened?  A few, I'm sure.

We've heard before that the paps and HW insiders know what is really going on between these two and are unimpressed.  Yet the paps know that pics of them fetch a fair price, especially now.  So the lack of pictures of them together, especially after this last week of "they got together to discuss things" just confirms even further that they didn't come anywhere close to being together.

I wouldn't be surprised if the paps are watching her every move to see if she goes out, where she is going and more importantly, who she is with.  A pic of her and Rob would be worth some serious money, especially with all the "getting back together" headlines that SHE set in motion.  However, a pic of her in Rupert together would be worth so much more!!!

Rob has always been able to be unseen (hence her team calling the paps) and when he shows up somewhere, his team lets the outtings speak for themselves, whether its him out with friends, at a bar or an event.

02 September, 2012

Honestly, I expected more...

Campins Real Estate, specializing in the sale of "Luxury Sports and Entertainment Homes", has put an article on their blog stating that Robert Pattinson is selling his Los Feliz, California home.  I'm sure a post like this has resulted in more than a few hits for the blog, which in my best guess, is their intention all along.  However, I think it's sad when some feel that they have to stoop to this level for attention.

Let me dissect this. 

This is their heading:

Celebrity Real Estate: Robert Pattinson Los Feliz CA Home For Sale $6.3 Million

Now, if I didn't know better, I would think by reading this that they know for sure that the house is on the market.  It states that the house is "for sale" and lists a price. The price happens to be the last price it was sold at, but I digress.  Since this is coming from a real estate blog, I would also think that they had the listing on this home. 

This is the house in question.

 Now for the body of the post:
Twilight star Robert Pattinson posh Los Feliz, CA home for sale. He once shared this home with Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart. Pattinson bought the home for $6.3 million, previously owned by ER star Noah Wyle and sits on an acre and a half of land and has 150-person screening room and amazing gardens. The house comes with three big bedrooms and bathrooms, state-of-the-art security system, private amphi-theatre and extensive wine cellar.
Built in 1921, the 4,000 square-foot home is a lavish area in the Hills with neighbors like Gwen Stefani and Black Eye Peas Will.I.Am.

Not a whole lot to it really, but you know who's home it is, or possibly is, who they shared it with and other celebrity names of previous owner and neighbors.  The celebrity details in this post have been recycled for a month in regards to this house.  The post is effective as people, though not involved in real estate, have made comments.

If it was a legitimate real estate post for her site, as per the other luxury homes she has listed to sell, there would have been a dozen or so pictures showcasing the home to attract a potential buyer. Perhaps even a little blurb about the "luxury gourmet kitchen", "spacious master suite with glamorous en suite", "sprawling gardens that lead to a lagoon style pool".  Since Campins does not have the listing for the home, there is none of that information.

Now, since Campins does not have the listing, who does?  As one person commented, this house is not on the market.  And he would be correct.  How did he know?  His information is coming from a real estate website that specifically says, "Off Market" at the top of the page.

This entry is from the company's real estate blog where she discusses trends in the market as well as celebrity real estate transactions.  That's all well and good, however it seems like she is tying to capitalize on a celebrity cheating scandal between a young actress and a married director.  I find that kind of sad considering with her background, website Facebook page, etc., that she feels the need to go this direction in getting her name out there when she seems to be doing a fine job of it using social media. Hell, even this blog post is turning into a selling feature for her. 

That is if anyone actually reads it.

01 September, 2012

Fun with debunking

So, I found this on Tumblr and I just can’t help myself to make some comments in the margin as it were. I love how “since there have been so many reports on this, I’m going with this is true.”  She really doesn’t understand how this works, does she. 
Let’s begin…

**I’ve read a lot that Kristen has not dropped out of Cali but that the production of the movie has been postponed to give her time.  I actually am kind of thinking this is true.  If they were really going to replace her it would have been done already and filming would have begun.
Except that Alex Pettyfer, the other actor in the film, is currently filming “TheButler”   I’m going to guess that this is the reason production has not started yet.  I highly doubt that they are holding production for Kristen while she goes through a personal crisis.  This kind of thing is rarely done in Hollywood, especially when she is the cause of said crisis. 
According to IMDB, “Cali” has been taken off of Kristen’s call sheet and added to Amber Heards as a rumor.  Make of that what you will. 

**Rob selling the house that he and Kristen shared.  So many reports about this so I’m going with this is true.  I guess I am not surprised because now everyone knows where they live and there are many memories there for them but I’m thinking it is more about people knowing where they live than memories.
Wow, talk about dramatic. “many memories there for them”  Give me a break.  Show me one picture of Rob at that house.  ONE. Anything.  Him pulling into the driveway, getting dropped off in the street, pulling out of the driveway.  Just ONE picture and I MIGHT believe, on a Thursday, if it’s raining, during a full moon that this was his house.  I’ll wait.

**Ashley Greene is replacing Kristen with Rob on promotion.  Have to be honest this shocked me.  But guess it was bound to happen that he can’t just go promote a movie alone and he and Ashley seem to get along.  All I have to say is as long as it isn’t Nikki I’m good.
Of course this shocked you, you don’t want it to be true nor did you hear it from “many reports” As if he would promote this movie alone, I mean there are only 30 plus other cast members to choose from to promote with.  Ashley, Kellan, Jackson, Peter, Nikki, the list goes on.  I don’t care who he promotes or even if he promotes it at all, as long as it’s not with Kristen.  Then again, the awkwardness and desperation might be good for a laugh or two.  Nah, not even then.

Just read today that Rupert only signed a contract for one SWATH movie but they gave Kristen what is called an option if they wanted her to come back and needed her for the second one.  So, she gets priority over Rupert.  I am hoping this is true because honestly you can’t have these two working together and am sure the studio feels Rupert is more easily replaced than Kristen.
There is SO much to say about this. I highly doubt that even with a contract of this nature, she has priority over Rupert.  Considering that the only consecutively good thing that has been said about Swath is the air direction and visual graphics and all of that came from Rupert.  I’d be surprised if Universal canned him over her considering damn near every review of her in the role came back negative.
When it was announced that she was canned from the sequel, an uproar of how unfair this was started.  That if she was going to be canned, he needed go as well.  While I see the point, people have to look at the other side of things.  Movies are in the business to make money.  While I have not doubt that Kristen’s fans put a lot of the money in at the box office for Snow White (and you can bet that is what Universal was banking on) it was Rupert’s work that got the good reviews.  In the event of a sequel, who do you think they are going to turn to?  The actress whos fanbase turned on her and would most likely not see her in another film or the director who people raved over his vision?   “It’s nothing personal, it’s business”  
**I’ve read numerous tweets this week and am giving out the links.
1.  This link has a first hand account of someone that nicely stalked Rob during Cosmopolis promotion in NYC.

“Nicely Stalked…” talk about your oxymorons.  The message has been deleted.  Shocker
2.  This is a compilation of stuff from Gossip Cop.
http://www.twitlonger.com/show/j0q8io  Posted on 24 August
Oh gee, color me shocked.  Gossip Cop is involved.
This author needs to get her head out of the sand.  If people really thing that this “fling” was brief and there was no sex, then I have a bridge to sell you. COME ON!  There was a definite familiarity with these two, tons of rumors that she hung around set when not need, etc.  And no sex?  Let me get the papers to that bridge.
The rest of the post goes on to believe every little bit posted that give the sheep hope.  They are talking, they will work through this, he never asked her to move out, the appololie was not PR driven, the recent pics of her out and how she is wearing all her “rob things’ and it just goes on to justify and confirm that all is well in the land of OZ. 
This last link I found super compelling and believe this is exactly what happened.
http://www.twitlonger.com/show/j32uft  Posted 29 August
This post comes with an insider source with a confidentiality agreement with the Stewart Family.  This is how you know sources are the real deal folks.  She confirms not only have Rob and Kristen NOT broken up, but that “it’s safe to say, they have been talking” and her source tells her that “they have met up at least once before he left for NY”.   Well, of course they never broke up silly, they never confirmed they were dating to break up.  Gesh. 
She also “doesn’t know if Rob is in London, but he and her are together working on things and living together at another location”  That’s funny, because Rob just happens to be in London. 
What good is a source without an eyewitness account to the epic lurve?  Never fear because we have one.  She apparently met Rob on several occasions, one being right after her Mother died.  He was “so nice, it made my day”   And of course her eye witness account goes like this, “I also noticed is how in love him and Kristen were they kept staring and touching each other like they were the only ones there.”  Now, where have I read that before?  OH yes, fanfiction.

Now, from Twitter:

NOT IN LONDON • 17 hours ago −
K and Rob are not in London you losers, he's not and she most definitely is not.
Well, wrong. Rob is in London. Some rumors coming in as early as the 28th of August. Next.
He didn't sell his house.
Correct.  The house that is in the Trust of Nick Finkle is not on the market.  And Rob was never confirmed to live there. Next. 

And from the Oh Really Departement:

Herzog Flick • 12 hours ago
So the general feeling is that Kristen will be joining Rob on the Herzog set. You're welcome.
Yeah, that account has been suspended.  Not that this sounded in any way official.

**The news today about Kristen’s parents getting a divorce really hit me hard.  This poor girl.  I just couldn’t help but to hope that Rob would go see her or be with her just as a friend if nothing more.  She needs support from her friends and also from Rob.  I feel so awful for her.  Here she was on top of the world and now the whole situation with Rob and her parents just is horrible.  I was kind of wondering if she saw this coming and it affected her in any way.
This news hit you hard?  Why?  Do you know them?   How is this hitting you hard when this couple has been estranged since 2010?  Rob is not in the country to be with her as a friend and if you ask me, that is what he’s been doing the past two years.  Possibly even because of this same situation.  Allowing her to hang around his friends and tag along to places with him because she just had to get away from what was going on with her parents. 
I think she’s embarrassed him enough to let her do this again.  She’s on her own.
If you ask me, after being estranged from her husband, Jules is just as selfish as Kristen is to 1. Announcing her divorce.  Who cares!?  They aren’t a famous couple that this would actually be entertainment news worthy.  And even if they were, divorce is a private and personal matter.  They are known because of her daughter. Did you know who the hell Jules Stewart was before you knew who Kristen was?  No.  And neither did anyone else.   2.  She announces her divorce NOW?? After two years not living with her husband?  SELFISH!
**Last but not least I read something amazing.  Rob and Kristen wrote the speech that Edward says in Breaking Dawn Part 1.  I found that to be so wonderful that I have posted a link below for the video.  Click on the little box for the link.
What she is referring to is the Edward wedding speech from “Breaking Dawn 1”
You can see it hear on Youtube if you want to watch Rob in his painful Edward glory or just read:

“It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your soul to and accept you for what you are. I've been waiting, for what seems like a very long time, to get beyond what I am. With Bella I feel like I can finally begin. So I'd like to propose a toast to my beautiful bride. No measure of time with you will be long enough. But let's start with forever.”

Once again, let me get my deck of Bullshit cards.  Where is her link to the article in which she read this glorious news?  I Googled the hell out of it and could find nothing on the subject of either of them contributing to the writing of the Breaking Dawn script.  You know what I did find when I googled?  “Kristen cheats on Rob” stories. 

07 August, 2012

this had me LOL'ing

I had never heard of "You Deserve A Drink" on youtube before, however since finding her and watching several videos, I'm officially addicted.  I love this kind of humor and if you get a new drink recipe out of it in the end then SCORE!

One of her latest videos dedicated to Robert Pattinson.

And another thing...

Holy crap, my brain hurts from reading some of those Twihard comments and I know I definitely lost IQ points.

Anyone who knows me knows I like the books and movies.  Was never thrilled with Kristen's casting, but it was what it was.  And I never thought that these two were together over the last three years.  In one "indiscretion" on the side of the road, we saw more PDA between her and Rupert than we ever did with her and Robert on ten occasions.  Sure there were the "looks of love" and the "he touched her"  but everyone, damn near, was under cloak of darkness, taken with a grainy lens, or at a work event.  There were always rumors of them being backed up and never any proof.  And she damn sure didn't look as happy to be with Rob as she did with Rupert.

In recent public events, it seemed as if they were more brother and sister than the supposed b/f/g/f they were supposed to be.  And there always seemed to be a tie as to why the other one was there other than to support each other.

After seeing the pictures of Kristen and Rupert, there is a familiarity between the two that does not come from a one time get together.  Why the hell they didn't go to a hotel is beyond me.

Oddly enough one of the biggest supporters of the Rsten bus was Ted Casablancas from E! The Awful Truth.  He coined the term "Robsten" from the start.  He turned in his walking papers to E! the first week of July.  Right in the midst of the TommyGurl divorce and all before BD2 promo and premiere.  Now the reasons are unclear and there were rumors that he inadvertently outed Jeremy Renner, but that remains to be seen.  Bottom line is, unless he was fired by E! I can't see him leaving on his own.  Not now.  This really left his devotees in a tale spin.

This is not going to go away any time soon.  UsWeekly most likely has more pictures.  After all, they called in three more photographers to assist the one that had on site.  That is going to equal to a lot of pics and most likely video.  No pap worth their weight in cameras wouldn't be capturing something like this without video too.

And speaking of the paps, people can bitch about them all they want, but it comes down to a case of supply and demand,  Her fans demand pics of her and the paps deliver.  Is it a pain to walk through an airport and have half a dozen people taking your picture? I'm sure it is.  Welcome to celebrity.  Even in these videos, no one is rushing her, they have given her space to walk.  But they are doing a job.  Her fans all cry out for her privacy but then are the first ones to bitch and complain when there aren't pictures of her, especially if she is rumored to be out with Pattinson.  This is what puts the $$$ price tag on her and the paps collect.

Let's not forget all the times she's told the paps she hates them or called them cunts.  Maybe them catching her during her "indiscretion" was payback. Maybe it was just a good tip.  Who knows.  Bottom line is she of all people should have know better to take her business to the open back streets.  Whatever happened to hooking up in hotels?  Maybe next "indiscretion"

You know I have to comment on this...

So.  It's finally happened.  The end we have all been waiting for is here.  But who the hell knew it was going to end like this!?!   Certainly not me.  Certainly not my Nonnie friends.  Let me just say that the situation as a whole sucks.  A family is torn by the selfish acts of two people.  The victims here are a wife and her two children.  Not either of the two cheating parties or the non-boyfriend.

What is annoying is the amount of people who have jumped ship and those who, just two weeks ago, worshipped the ground Stewart walked on are now hating her, burning their memorabilia, denouncing her across the web, and more.  Some sites have shut down, gone on hiatus are are simply ignoring it. Other sites who's name depicted a dedication to Pattinson and who used to gush about Stewart and him together are now editing her out of promotional pictures for BD2.  They can't even stand to look at her. And the followers who bought into the entire thing just 2 weeks ago are thanking the site mods for it.  Can we say "Whiplash"?

Let me elaborate on that.  While I am sitting back and laughing at the fall out from all of this because, let's face it, most everyone is now seeing what we have been saying for years, there are those that still believe, still support and still adore her.  They are preaching for all the newly turned "haters" (I really loath that word) are driving a divide in the fandom.

Pardon me?  THIS is what is being blamed for driving a wedge in this fandom.  I'm going to have to lay down a big ol' hand of BULLSHIT!!!

This fandom has been divided since 2009 when Scummit Ent. decided to that the franchise would sell better if people believed if the two main characters were in a real relationship.  Contracts were drawn up, rules laid out, outings arranged.  We have been preaching this and getting a boat load of hate from it for three years.  THREE YEARS!! I have watched as friends have had their home addresses put on line on message boards.  Pictures of their children put online for ridicule.  Bosses notified by private emails to try and get people fired.  Along with countless hounding, name calling, stalking, account hacking, insulting, and screen capping.  And personal to me, having my screen name re-tweeted to others with harassing and insulting things being said.

Now, sticks and stones and all that crap. If someone wants to call me a bad mom, go right ahead.  I know the truth.  Want to call me fat?  Go ahead.  Yes, I'm over weight, but I can loose it.  Want to call me ugly?  Go right ahead.  I really don't care what someone on the internet thinks of me and my looks.  But this other stuff?  That is crossing line.  You don't post pictures of someones children on line.  You don't post someones address online and you don't anonymously email someones boss to try and get them fired.

Especially not because they don't share the same likes as you or don't think a certain celebrity couple is dating.  The levels of ridiculousness that I've seen has been astounding.  I mean, real junior high garbage.

So this garbage of the fandom divide coming from the childish and selfish actions of two adults is just simply ridiculous. If you had asked me back in 2008 or 2009 if I'd ever be glad Twilight was ending, I'd have told you, "Absolutely not"  I liked the books, thought the movies were decent, at least the best that they could be with the material they were being made from, listen, I like the books, but they aren't the best things ever written.  However, now I cannot wait for this to be over.  November cannot get here soon enough.  I've never been more ready for a movie franchise to be over and done with.

One thing I am looking forward to though...Breaking Dawn II Promo.  In light of recent events, it's going to be very interesting.  Let the games begin.  Is it October yet?

and there you have it folks.

Someone got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Only it was someone elses cookie jar.

This is Kristen Stewart and her "Snow White and the Huntsman" director Rupert Sanders at an undisclosed location in LA.  There are a lot more photos than this, but due to copy right, the site that published them was asked to take them down.  These are what US Weekly has posted on their site.

 Kristen and the Snow White cast, including director Rupert Sanders out to dinner in Germany on 15 May 2012.  After the affair news, this pic is looked at in a new light.  That is Charlize Theron sitting in between them.  There is also video out there of Rupert adjusting himself at the table.  Yes, you read that right, he's adjusting himself at the table.  I'm not posting the video because it was more of him than I care to see.  Google it if need be.
And if that picture is looked at differently, the these need to be as well.

She seems pretty close with her directors. This is  more PDA from her and her directors, especially Sanders, than ever seen off the clock with Pattinson.  Just saying.

17 June, 2012

People, stop being so damn gulable.

So this was on Tumblr today

It has 77 notes on it.  That means 77 people have either reblogged this or liked it.  I found it disturbing that not one of these 77 people bothered to Google to see if there was any truth to this.  If they had, they would have found tons of sites claiming this story to be true.  However, they would have also found the girl in the pictures very own Tumblr blog.  And guess what?  She cleared up the record and stated that this story is in fact FALSE!  As a matter of fact, if they had Googled just "girl at justin beiber concert raped and mother died" her blog would have been the third link to come up. 


Google is free.  Google will bring up just about anything you ask it.  I don't understand why more people don't use it when something unbelievable comes across their dash.  This is one of those stories.  I mean, come on folks, this story just has not believable written all over it.  I mean, she was raped AND her mother died?? I'm not saying bad stuff like this doesn't happen to people, but in this case, I'm side eyeing the hell out of it.  And low and behold, one quick trip to Google and the whole story goes up in flames. 

11 June, 2012

So, I bit the bullet and watched "Snow White and the Huntsman".  Don't panic...I did not pay for it.  I just don't feel I can legitimately ridicule a movie if I haven't seen it, so I endured the 2 hours to watch.

While it wasn't as bad as I was expecting (gee, where have I heard that before), it wasn't all that great either.  Oddly enough, all the bad did not come just from Kristen Stewart's acting.  That's where a lot of it came from, but she alone was not the down fall of this film.  It was bad all over; from the accents to the story line to the script, it was just bad.  Kristen's accent continually slipped throughout the film and I'm still trying to figure out why they insisted on Chris Hemsworth having a Scottish accent.  Charlize Theron, while the accent was good, her way of drawing out each and every word was highly annoying throughout the film.

There were some purely Bella, or are they Kristen, moments that seemed to be taken directly from Twilight.  The sounds she made while grunting or as she was in pain, were ala the Ballet Studio in Twilight.  At one point there was an overhead shot of her lying on the ground in a fetal position that was very reminiscent of New Moon.  

One of the storyline down falls is that even though SW was imprisoned as a child, there are those who immediately know who she is upon looking at her as grown girl.  It happened twice in the film, once when a female villager tells The Huntsman, "You don't know who she is do you?" and the other when all the dwarves doubt her identity all but one who just knows who she is. There is never any explanation or her having to prove who she is.  They just know.

One of my biggest peeves was the messing with fairy tale cannon.  Look, it's bad enough that Universal took Snow White back to the darkness of the original tale told by the Brothers Grimm, but even they did not go all warrior princess in their tale.  That is all Hollywood.  I can't look past that as it was supposed to make a compelling summer block buster.  What I cannot over look is some of the other cannon points being messed with.  Snow White is supposed to be awoken by True Loves First Kiss from the Prince.  This is a fairy tale staple and it's not to be messed with.  But on noooo....Universal had to give us a love triangle (again, where have I seen this before). Now granted, there is no Prince in this story as he is the Dukes son, but I digress.  Not only does our dear sweat William, the Dukes son and Snow Whites Childhood friend, kiss Snow but he doesn't wake her with said kiss.

No, she is awoken by The Huntman's kiss.  I know I'm being rather nit picky, but this is just not how the story goes and while I can over look other "creative license" I can't over look this. 

The majority of the reviews seem to be spot on with my way of thinking on the main parts of this story.  And I have to agree with them on the high points.  The art direction and CGI were great.  The forest scene was amazing, though the fairies left something to be desired.  The sets were as they should have been, the castle in the opening scenes in particular was done very well.  It have a very majestic feel to the opening of the film.  And the Dark Forest did just what it should have, brought out that inner seven year old that had the soul scared out of you the first time you saw this film when Disney did it.  Over all, this was a part of the film that was done very well.

Costume designer, Colleen Atwood, knocked it out of the park with the costumes for the Evil Queen.  However, her fail was to give Snow White leather pants under the skirt of her dress as she escapes.  

With the fact that this movie has not even broken even yet at the box office, I can't see Universals desire to fast track the second installment.   I know some die hards will scream, "But it is successful" and "It opened at number one" While it has made money, though I'm guessing not near what Universal was counting on, it has not broken even.  Don't believe me? This article pretty much sums it up.  http://io9.com/5747305/how-much-money-does-a-movie-need-to-make-to-be-profitablehttp://io9.com/5747305/how-much-money-does-a-movie-need-to-make-to-be-profitable  It's a great article on what a movie needs to do to be a hit.  Don't blame me, I just know how to find things on Google. 

31 May, 2012

Post update...

An update to a post I made back in February if anyone is actually reading this thing...


Changing of the Guard?

Why am I not surprised to see a positive review from The Hollywood Reporter for Snow White and the Huntsman? Why it's not so much a review, it is one hell of a story re-cap, which we already knew at this point, it never says much about how the actors actually did in the roles they have. 

This was pretty much it,

 [quote]Despite the narrow ranges their roles require, both command one's attention throughout. Required in their own ways to be gaze-worthy, Hemsworth and Claflin bear up in far more constricted parts.[/quote]

Not exactly glowing. Most of the "review" is spent fawning over the production, the art direction and the costume design in the film. All of these subjects are receiving high marks no matter who is reviewing this film. Is that really enough for it to stand on it's own two feet past opening weekend? I think not.

Now this bit had me baffled:

 [quote]with Stewart nearly always maintaining her ethereal air clenched by angst and determination and Theron expressing a will and mercilessness to rival any despot. Despite the narrow ranges their roles require, both command one's attention throughout.[/quote]

I'm sorry, but did I read the word "ethereal" used to describe Kristen Stewart? THIS Kristen Stewart


Yeah, the word "ethereal" doesn't exactly come to mind. I know, I know, the poor girl was being hounded by the paps from the safety of her balcony and car, so she was given no other choice but to show her intellegence. I could go on and on, but I'll save it for another blog post. You can read the total fluff piece right here 

 What I have noticed is that MTV does not seem to be as "in love" with the Twilight saga as it once was. When did the falling out occur? What I did notice is that THR seemed to pick up where MTV left off. Things started to get rocky around the time that MTV put out a fan voted poll to see what the most anticipated movie of 2012 was going to be and Breaking Dawn, part two got booted out in the first round. The winner of that poll, in case you didn't know, went to Cosmopolis, starting Stewart's Twilight co-star, Robert Pattinson. 

Then came the announcement from MTV that this years Movie Awards show would be changing things up with the way they did things. Gone are the days of the "Twilight Awards" as MTV is trying to bring about a classier program. Now, this is MTV we're talking about, so I'm not sure how it's going to be classier, but I'll give them an A for effort. These changes brought on a world of hate from the Twihards on Twitter, many of them using hash tags like #FuckYouMTV or #IHateMTV. Nice, eh? 

And pretty much all of them swearing off even watching the program this year. THR had always done the typical coverage on Stewart when promoting Twilight, but it was around December 2011 when they seemed to jump on the gossip chain and put out articles on love nests or homes rented by her and Pattinson. All of which were never backed with facts. Most of which were debunked in a matter of moments using Google.

Lately though, it seems the pimping of Stewart is at an all time high. Could it be that the long rumored checks that MTV was picking up are now being re-routed to THR? Twilight is over, the teen crowd is growing up and moving on, now it's time to take careers more seriously. What better time to move from the teen filled MTV to the more "serious" Hollywood Reporter. 

Recently there were a few twitters about bloggers being on the payroll (again, another post) and studios lying, nothing would shock me any less in this business than a publicist trying to cover up a clients bad behavior with a positive spin in what is sometimes, maybe considered a reputable publication.

02 May, 2012

Its that time of year again. The MTV MA are among us and you know what that means. Calloused fingers from fan girls everywhere. Yup, the voting has begun! Officially today you can vote for the MTV Movie Awards in categories like Best Picture, Best Kiss, Best on screen cast, best dirt bag, best on screen transformation. Yeah, I'm still questioning that one myself.

 This year the rules have changed. MTV wants to be taken more seriously in the awards arena. They plan on doing this by changing up the line of nominated categories. For instant gone are the Best Villain, Best Scared-as-Shit Performance, Best Jaw Dropping Moment, Biggest Badass Star, and Best Line from a Movie categories. They have also included a panel of industry insiders made up of actors, producers, agents, etc. to determine who wins nominations in this years categories. There will also be a new Break Through Performance category that will be voted on my directors.

The changes came about to make the MTV Movie Awards seem more serious as well as to "lend some credibility to an event that has been criticized as merely a venue for Hollywood to promote its summer blockbusters." Now back to the fan girls. Yesterday the nominees were announced and it seems that with a change in the rules comes a change in the fandoms. In years past the MA's were dominated by all things Twilight with Harry Potter running a close second. Winning though was still a Twilight arena. 

Not this year. The winds of change are coming through the MTV offices and TwiHards are not happy about it. There's a new kid on the block and his name is The Hunger Games. You could hear the hate being spewed on Twitter around the globe. The Hunger Games is nominated for a whopping eight categories while Twilight's Breaking Dawn Part One is only nominated for two, Best Kiss and Best Movie of the Year. And boy howdie are fans upset. #MTVWEHATEYOU was trending last night on Twitter in a matter of minutes after the nominations were reviled. Tweets like:
THG might have made a lot of $ but no one cares about its cast. Def a mistake to completely disregard your most passionate fanbase -- @mtv
The best Robsten bubbles are at the @MTV movie awards and we wait ALL year for it and they've taken that from us. #MTVWEHATEYOU
#MTVWEHATEYOU seriously crying.
Don't think that WHATS DONE IS DONE! We can make a change if we stay united! #MTVWEHATEYOU
And that is just a sampling of what was being said. Over at Imdb there were threats of a boycott and all levels of butt hurt because Robert Pattinson and Kristen Steward were not nominated for Best Performances. I'm guessing those actors, producers, agents and other panel members just don't know what they are talking about when the don't nominate Pattinson and Stewart for best performances. Damn them for being all professional and serious.

 This morning as voting is not open those registered members at MTV.com, seems to be a little more tame. Fans are voting their "fingers to the bone" as one girl tweeted. Yes, you keep voting until your fingers bleed. You show MTV just whos boss by making sure that Pattinson and Stewart can win Best Kiss. Again. And not actually kiss on stage. Again. You show 'em. Because THIS is how it's done.  Go you.

Just a reminder of what winning the Golden Popcorn for The Best Kiss is supposed to look like. Fans are NEVER going to see Pattinson and Stewart do anything close to this


14 April, 2012

When fuckery goes bad

Well, last nights anticipated fuckery turned into a laugh factory of good times.

Like all fuckery, it starts with a tweet and usually it only takes one. Like this one:

This lone tweet caused a flurry of activity on Twitter. The event in question was the launch party for Sir Paul McCartney's new video "My Valentine" which was held at his daughter, designer Stella McCartney's, West Hollywood Boutique.

I like how CourtJustice never said who she was talking about. She just left it out there for the assumption of who it was. In this fandom, that is a very dangerous thing.

Lucky for her that Ginny Goodwin and Josh Dallas, who just happen to play Snow White and Prince Charming in ABC's "Once Upon A Time" showed up to the event.

I mean, who else could Court have been talking talking about? Right?

Wrong. Seems a certain part of the fandom went a bit ape shit assuming that the couple in question would be Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. In true fandom sprint, Court was re-tweeted, the tweet was discussed, Court was directly tweeted questions concerning the couple showing up. The online Gossip Tabloid site Hollywood Liar, I mean Life, even re-tweeted and ran a story on Courts tweet. Of course they added their own embellishments as they usually do.

Of course, when it was only Stewart who showed up to the event, HWL as well as Court were backtracking.

and of course, we can't not cover it up and make it all better.

This still did not stop the fandom from tweeting her nasty grams all over the net. Calling her a liar, telling her not to tease with the fandom, etc. Court wasn't going to take it lying down either. She tweeted how some should be smashed in the face with a chair. nice, eh?

The bottom line to all of this is that if certain people just improved their reading comprehension skills or did not assume things to mean something they are not, none of this would happen. Yet it does. All the time. When you have such desperation for two people to be dating who appear not to be, this is what happens. Something is made out of nothing on a daily basis in this fandom and it's tiring.

The truth will come out soon enough and when it does, I just hope some are prepared to handle it. And by "some", I mean them.

Oh...and just to throw this out there.

31 March, 2012

Fifty, 50, and 25 plus 25

I was at my daughters swim practice yesterday and there were 4 moms huddled together and they were discussing none other than Fifty Shades. What is Fifty Shades? If you don't know, may I direct you to Google I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was a situation of two worlds colliding. I had to refrain from making any comments, even when they were discussing, "I would love this to be made into a movie" Sigh.

I have been reading FanFiction for quite a while now. No, I will not say how long, but it's been a while. I've read some outstanding stories and some really crappy stories. Fifty Shades, or as it's called in the Ficdom, Master of the Universe, has always been one of my favorites. It's not the outstanding writing that drew me in because, well, the writing is what it is and outstanding it is not. However, I liked the story itself. The romance between the two characters, the growth of said characters and of course the drama that evolves as the story plays out.

MotU a.k.a Fifty Shades is a self published book from the author and has been recently optioned at Random House for proper publishing. It's also been optioned by Universal and Focus for a reported 5 million dollar film deal. To say this has created a stir in the in fandom and outside of it is an understatement.

I have stayed out of many a conversation on this topic for a variety of reasons. Some of my friends support the idea and are happy for the author while some, do not. And that is okay. We are all entitled to our own opinions and after what I've been through in this ridiculous fandom, I'm the last person to begrudge someone that. I can see both sides of the argument when dealing with this very sensitive subject. The fact that this is a published book is not at all shocking to me. I've said many times, E.L. James is not the first to self publish her fiction and she is certainly not going to be the last. She is however, the first to get this much recognition for her story and I'll be honest if the story did not have the sexual themes that it does, I'm not so sure she'd be getting this attention.

There are a lot of self published authors doing quiet well. Some publishing their own fanfictions only reworked and some publishing original works. Angel Lawson, a.k.a EZRocksAngel, is one of them. Her "Wraith" is doing quiet nicely. Another fiction, "Sempre" by J.M. Darhower was a fan fiction called "Emacipation Proclimation" that was reworked a great deal and self published. It too is doing well. So, it can be done.

Entertainment Weekly this week has Fifty on the cover. Well, if you're a subscriber, that is the cover you will receive in your mail. News stands will have The Hunger Games on their cover. The author has been on countless radio and television shows, news feeds have picked up the story and just about everyone knows someone who is reading it as it makes its way into every day life and conversation.

The next phase of this situation is the movie.  EL James retained rights on the casting of the film, a smart move for any author, and she has said she would like to cast unknowns to play the lead.  Well, that's nice in theory, but after shelling out $5 million on an unknown author who happens to have written the flavor of the week, that is not going to happen.  Universal/Focus are going to want to see a return on their investment and unknown actors are not going to do that.  So far everyone who has been associated with the story has been receptive to the idea.  However, we all know that no one burns a bridge in Hollywood so saying and doing are two very different things.

Time will tell what direction things will go for the movie version, but as of right now, the book is everywhere.  This is one hot topic that's for sure and it's not going to go away. Although, at times, I sure wish it would

19 February, 2012

the best they can do at this point...

I wrote this blog post back in February. Just messing around a bit really, but the thoughts are still mine. I find it funny to go back and read drafts, but this one stuck out for me. You don't have to read though the thing, but I would like to draw attention to the highlighted bit at the end and compare it to this

There's also a sense that the film has been edited to keep her presence as limited as possible, with few shots lingering and a role that's mostly passive
Mostly passive?  Her character is in the title of the film!!  She is supposed to be the lead character, how is she "mostly passive"?  Oh wait! Thinking back to the first, second and so on tv spots, not many of them actually feature Stewart and even fewer of them feature her speaking in them.  That is NEVER a good sign.

That was a bit of a review from ClickOnline.com which you can read here   I find it funny that these seems to be a common theme with this film.  I also saw a tweet last night that read,

"Phrase nobody ever saw coming: "the vastly superior 'Mirror, Mirror'"

That cracked me up, of course it was in the 2am hour.  After all the comparisons to these two films, which are clearly nothing alike, yeah, that was funny.

Any noodle...this is the rest of the blog if you are so included to read.

So there are going to be two Snow White movies coming out this year. Yes, two. Now, I've got nothing against Snow White, I mean she is the "Fairest of them all" but she is just not my favorite of any of the Princesses. So the fact that there are two movies coming out does nothing for me. However, these two movies, while possibly having similar themes, have a very different look and feel to them.

First up is "Mirror, Mirror" staring Julia Roberts, Nathan Lane, Armie Hammer, and Lilly Collins. I'll let you guess who is playing who. This version of Snow White is going to take a stab at the campy, humorous side of things. Just imagining the screen time between Julia Roberts and Nathan Lane has me excited to see this version.

The visuals alone look stunning and adding to that are the wonderfully designed costumes by Eiko Ishioka. Oh the colors!! I'm betting on this being a treat for the eyes.

"Mirror, Mirror" hits theatres on March 30, 2012, despite the earlier dates on the posters.

imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com imagebam.com

Now for something completely different. The second of the Snow White's to hit theatres this year is "Snow White and the Huntsman" staring Charlize Theron, Chris Helmsworth, and Kristen Stewart. Again, I'll leave it up to you to figure out who plays what character, though I'm betting you already know.

While both Snows have similar approaches, this one looks to be the darker of the two. In this version, Snow White takes on more of a bad ass approach. After being sent off to the woods where The Huntsman is supposed to kill her, he has a change of heart and rather than kill her, her trains her up to fight back against the Evil Queen. Enter bad ass Snow White.

There is no doubt in my mind that Charleze not only will act the part, but she looks every bit of the role of the Evil Queen. Her acting talents prove just how good she is in each role she takes, so I'm sure this will be no different. The spotlight so far in the films trailers has been on her which does not make me sad at all.

Oddly enough, the spotlight has not been on the films name sake. I found this strange. There have been a few rumors surround this topic. Are they saving Snow White for the big reveal, is her role not as big as suspected, how bad is her rumored British accent? Take your pick.

Now, I'm not suggesting that Stewart's acting is below par, but I have viewed her in other things and lets just say, well, ya know, I think I'll keep those comments to myself. I will say this, if her role is not that big or if she is not up to the task, Universal could always cut the film to make it all about the evil queen. Yes, it's been done before. This would give Universal a huge jump at the live action villain franchise that Disney is going to kick off next year with "Maleficent" staring Angelina Jolie.

"Snow White and the Huntsman" hits theatres on June 1, 2012

That evil part of me

I know it might sound evil to be happy about pissing someone off. Okay, it IS evil to be happy about it, but this couldn't be helped.

It gave me great satisfaction to piss off my husband this morning. You see, we signed our son up for baseball last week knowing full well the many nights we would be spending at the ball fields between practices, clinics, games and more. I mentioned the sacrifices that would have to be made to my hubs as we filled out the online forms and forked over the $100 registration fee. "Oh, it's no problem, I'm well aware of the sacrifice" he said. Well, that seemed to have gone right out the window when I reminded him of the Sunday practice our son had.

Our home schedule is not your typical Monday through Friday, nine to five schedule. Oh no. I work weekends and one day during the week while hubs works nights. Hubs usually takes morning shifts, while I take the afternoon. He gets the kids off to school, while I pick up and do the homework rounds. It's not the most convenient of schedules, but it works for our life.

Unless of course he has something more pressing to do. Recently he has gotten into competition BBQing. He's in with a great bunch of guys and they mean business. This is all well and good. I mean, everyone should have a hobby and I'm glad he found this as cooking comes very natural to him and he's very good at it. Although at times I wish he'd stop thinking of me as his "plongeur" (sorry, just watched Ratatouille) but I digress.

So here we are facing the Sunday ball practice. Hubs was complaining that if he knew about the practice he'd have come straight home from work instead of going out and picking up his BBQ smoker. This is something that could have waited, but didn't. Not to mention the baseball information that is marked on the calendar, in the paperwork in the counter and written on the dry erase board. All reminding him of the Sunday practice.

The question I was waiting for came not ten minutes into the "conversation" about this practice. "Well, can't your dad take him?" Breathe in, breathe out. I looked at my hubs with the patience of Job and said, "If you don't take him, he doesn't go. This is part of the sacrifice I talked about when we signed him up." Then of course came the complaints about lack of sleep.

Funny, there were never any complaints about lack of sleep when he stayed up many a mornings building his BBQ smoker. And believe you me, he put in some long hours making that thing. Don't get me wrong, it looks amazing and he could easily sell it for a good $2500. However, why is it so easy to make the sleep sacrifice for that and not our sons baseball schedule?

And don't get me started on lack of sleep. We have two children, twenty months apart and not once did he ever get up in the middle of the night to feel either one of them when he worked day shift or on weekends or on a day off. Not. Once. So for an estimated four years I woke up for every feeding and diaper change because that is what a parent does. So I don't even want to hear about lack of sleep. I'm pretty sure my current bouts of insomnia are still residual effects from night feedings.

The bottom line is that my son will go to ball practice today and it will be his father who takes him. And yes, the evil part of me is happy about his.